Erection Problems - is Your Blood Circulation Causing Erection Failure?

One of the commonest reasons for erection problems is poor blood circulation and lack of nitric oxide. Here we will look at why it's so vital to sexual health, how you can improve blood circulation and nitric oxide levels naturally...

Before we look at how to improve blood circulation, let's take a look at why it's so important.

What happens as soon as you become aroused sexually?

Your heart of course beats faster and sends blood to the genitals, where this increased flow of blood needs to enter the penis. Nitric oxide then plays a key role in the process of allowing blood to enter and create an erection.

Many men think their erection problems are caused by lack of testosterone - but this is not a common problem as lack of nitric oxide. No erection can take place without sufficient nitric oxide, as it performs the vital function of letting extra blood needed to form an erection into the penis.

When nitric oxide is secreted in the blood vessels, it relaxes them, which opens them wider, the increased blood that has been sent to the genitals then enters and as the blood rushes in, the penis hardens and an erection comes to fruition.

As we get older the strength of blood circulation declines and blood vessels become blocked in addition nitric oxide levels naturally decline with age and this can cause erection problems.

You can cure the above problems with some natural herbs and some of the best are outlined below.

Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium both will raise levels of nitric oxide naturally and give a boost to low levels. Horny Goat Weed also helps increase testosterone and gives a boost to mood and energy levels which are of course, good for sexual health as well Cnidium also helps to increase blood circulation and keep the blood healthy.

Cistanche Bark, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba are all tonic herbs which increase blood circulation around the body, as well as providing numerous other health benefits which include - giving mood a lift, decreasing stress, increasing body energy and maintaining healthy sperm.

If you take the above herbs and combine with a healthy diet you will boost blood circulation and nitric oxide levels and get a whole host of other benefits which impact on sexual and general health, making you feel better and giving you better erections as a result.