Penis Yeast Infection Can Be Cured in 12 Hours Or Less

Penis yeast infection can be very nasty. Apart from the pain and discomfort, it has a huge impact on your sex life. When you have a yeast infection of the penis, you can transfer it to your partner during sex. Then, when you think you're cleared, your partner can transfer it back to you. Sex itself can't cause your penis yeast infection, but it can produce the conditions that allow it to transfer back and forth. Here, you'll find out what causes yeast infections and why mainstream treatment may not be up to the job.

Typical penis yeast infection symptoms are; swollen and inflamed penis tip, ulcer-like spots on tip, flaky skin, pain when urinating, pain during intercourse, unusual discharge and chronic itching. With particularly bad infections sex is impossible.

Penis yeast infection (and yeast infections in general) is caused by the Candida albicans flora (fungus) that resides naturally in your body. In normal times it is kept under control by your body's friendly bacteria with no problems. But the Candida can 'overgrow' sometimes, thus causing the symptoms of yeast infections.

The situations or conditions that allow this to happen are things like; a compromised immune system, body pH, diabetes, contraception, antibiotics, steroids, drug use, pregnancy, some medical conditions (e.g. AIDS, cancer, etc.), and bad nutrition.

Normally your first line of defence is to use prescription or over-the-counter topical creams etc. These contain anti-fungal drugs which attack the local symptoms. Unfortunately they don't address the underlying causes. In addition, the Candida often becomes resistant to the drugs. All too often the result is a recurring penis yeast infection, particularly where you are having regular sex.

The best way -- perhaps the only way -- to get over this is to stop sex altogether until your (and / or your partner's) yeast infection has completely cleared. But, of course, you'll both want that cure to be as fast as possible, and permanent. Unfortunately you've seen now that your normal drug-based treatments are unlikely to provide that.

So what do you do? Well, thousands of men (and women) around the globe have turned to a completely natural system that not only focuses on the symptoms, but also on the root cause of yeast infections. And all without expensive drugs with their side effects. Results have been astonishing with some reporting cures within hours.

If you wish to discover just how these ex-sufferers cured their yeast infection fast and permanently, then please go to . You could be free from penis yeast infection in around 12 hours.