Harder Erection - 4 Proven Steps to Get a Hard Erection Naturally!

Here we are going to look at 4 proven steps to get a hard erection naturally and some natural herbs to help you achieve this. So if you want a harder stronger erection quickly and naturally read on.

1. Boost Blood Circulation

Any man who has erection problems is likely to suffer from poor blood circulation and strong blood circulation to the genitals and penis is essential - think about it:

As soon as you become aroused, what happens?

Your heart immediately begins to beat faster and sends blood to the sex organs and you need plenty of it in the area for a hard erection.

The herbs that are great at improving blood flow are - the Chinese herbs of Cnidium and Ginkgo Biloba.

Not only will they help pump blood, they will act to keep the blood vessels healthy and free of obstruction.

2. Boost Nitric Oxide Levels

When the blood reaches the penis, it needs to be let in to cause an erection. An erection relies on an increased flow of blood entering it and here we need to look at the key chemical Nitric Oxide.

Nitric Oxide allows the blood vessels to relax, expand and a flood of blood enters creating an erection. If not enough nitric oxide is realized, you wont get an erection, so you need plenty of it and it declines with age so this is vital as you get older.

The herbs that have been proven to increase nitric oxide realize are - Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium already mentioned above.

3. Get More Testosterone

It's the key male sex hormone and you need plenty of it.

Again, Horny Goat Weed is a good source and so to are - Mucuna Prurien and Tongkat Ali.

4. Decrease Stress Boost Energy

Many men suffer from exhaustion, stress and low energy and this simply means they are not in the mood for sex.

If you are unstressed and energy levels are high, your sexual desire soars.

There are numerous herbs to assist and some of the best are:

Tribulus Terrestris Extract - a favorite of Olympic athletes and a great energy herb

Jujube Fruit - Packed with energy enhancing nutrients

Maca Root Extract - Increases overall strength and stamina and its effect is due to sterols which act on the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands, producing hormones, leading to increased energy and sexual desire.

Get them ALL and more in the Best Herbal Sex Pills

The above are not the only herbs that can help you get a harder erection but they are a fantastic combination and are normally found in all the best herbal sex pills.

Feed Your Body the Right Fuel!

You are what you eat and if you get the right nutrients, you will ensure you get a hard erection and at the same time, boost your overall wellness, safely and naturally.