Male Libido - for a Strong Hard Erection Get More Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide is not just the key to getting a strong erection it's the key to getting an erection in the first place! Many men are unaware of how vital this chemical is in terms of male libido and here we will look at it and how to top it up naturally...

Nitric oxide is the chemical, which is realized in response to messages from the brain, in blood vessels that lead to the penis. When the messages are received the chemical is realized and blood vessels expand allowing blood to flow into the penis and create an erection.

Many men, who think they lack testosterone, actually lack nitric oxide and its one of the commonest causes of low libido in men particularly, as they get older.

This chemical naturally declines with age but the good news is - you can top it up naturally.


Is a great supplement for increasing nitric oxide levels and is known as natures Viagra and is one of the best natural libido enhancers you can get. L'arginine is a non essential amino acid produced by the body and it helps produce nitric oxide, it also declines with age and that's why men lack the chemical.

You can take it as a supplement and in a medical test men taking supplementation for just 2 weeks, saw 81% of the group report, harder stronger erections and great sexual satisfaction.
You can also get it from natural herbs such as the well known Chinese herb to increase libido - Horny

Goat Weed.

This is a great supplement and also tops up testosterone, as well as increasing energy levels too.
Also ..Get Your Blood Pumping!

Nitric oxide production is easy to top up but while you're doing it you may want to consider your blood circulation.

Many men suffer from this to and for sex drive you have to get it pumping.

The little known Chinese herb Cnidium can be used.

It may not be well known but has legendary status as a libido enhancer, not only will it increase nitric oxide levels, it also helps promote better blood circulation.

The other two herbs you can consider which are tonic herbs and known to keep blood vessels healthy and blood pumping are - Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba which help promote healthy blood circulation especially to the extremities.

Try the above supplements and you will tackle two of the major problems that cause low libido:
Lack of nitric oxide and poor blood circulation and not only will you cure these problems, you will give your body an all over wellness boost to, have more energy and vitality making you in the mood.

The above are all safe and natural and proven to work, try them and you maybe glad you did.