How to Make Workouts Fun

I remember how overwhelming and daunting the task of working out was. It seemed like I would get the ball rolling and then all of the sudden after several weeks, I was slammed with boredom and lack of motivation to continue this journey. The end result of all this was the fact that I was tired and felt defeated. I was so mad and became determined to find a way to make working out enjoyable. You see, most people spend more time just trying to kill their body, then they do trying to educate themselves on how to mentally prepare for success. Without further ado, here are the keys to making your workouts the best ever.

I am a big believer in "chunking" things down and that is why this will be one of a series of articles I write. The first phase is to get very clear about what you want. Each and every article there after will lead you to the final destination of your life long workout success.

First, you have to have a very clear picture of why you are working out. Are you working out to feel better, lose weight, gain strength or reduce stress? Once you identify this, you must then immediately write this down and make it very specific. The more crystal clear you become in what you want the better your experience will become. Furthermore, you must put a date to this so that you can put some pressure to the process. Dates give you a timeline, which helps to create a sense of urgency. A good example of this would be "I will weigh 200 pounds and have body fat of 9% by July 1, 2008. Please notice how I speak as if it has already happened. We do this, because it helps the mind believe that this has already occured.

Please remember that the subconcious mind does not know better than to listen to what you tell it. It will begin to react on a neurological level as to what is true and false. You have total control over what you want and how to get it.

So now is the moment where you take action. Stop reading this article and write down exactly what you want. Take 5 to 10 minutes and write down everything you want out of working out. Once this is complete you will feel light and focused. This will help give you more direction in what you are doing....well, until next week; go have some fun.

Here is a little tip: Start laughing in the middle of your workout. This may sound silly, but it will shock your mind.