Removing Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can wreak havoc on a woman's self-esteem, as well as with her self-confidence. We usually think of stretch marks and pregnancy in the same sentence, and it is true that pregnancy does cause stretch marks, but that is not the only cause of stretch marks. Rapid weight gain can also cause stretch marks. And men can get stretch marks, too. Men usually develop stretch marks either from rapid weight gain or from bodybuilding.

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Stretch marks are most often seen in the arms, breasts, legs, chest, and stomach. Stretch marks are caused when the skin is stretched because of rapid weight gain or increase in muscle mass and the connecting fibers break. At first stretch marks might appear pink or red in color, but over time they fade and just appear as a lighter shade than the surrounding skin.

Preventing stretch marks is not an exact science, of course, but liberally applying moisturizing creams, lotions, and oils can help to prevent so many stretch marks from forming. Applying vitamin E oil after bathing can reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

There are hundreds and hundreds of products on the market for treating stretch marks after the fact. There are over-the-counter products and there are by-prescription-only products. There also dozens of home remedies and herbal treatments for stretch marks on the market today.

One of the surest (but most expensive) ways of treating stretch marks is with laser surgery. The procedure is called microdermabrasion, and the outer layer of the skin is actually removed.

Another treatment for removing stretch marks is called the Endermologie Treatment. This was developed by French plastic surgeons and involves using rollers for deep massage and suction simultaneously.

When all else fails, think makeup. Makeup can cover up a lot of sins at a very small price, and absolutely painlessly!