Premature Ejaculation Exercises- Stop Premature Ejaculation Now

There are a lot of premature ejaculation exercises that you can do to help you last longer in bed. You're probably not sure which ones will actually help you. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some premature ejaculation exercises.

That way, you will be able to stop it from happening when you're having sex.

The first exercise that will help you stop premature ejaculation is the towel hanging method. The towel hanging method will help you increase the size of your penis, help you have harder erections, and will help you last longer in bed.

To do this exercise, massage your penis until it is fully erected. Next, get a light towel and place it on the base of your penis. Now, 'bob' or tense your penis so that it goes up and down. That's one repetition. You will need to do 25 repetitions every other day.

If you can't do the entire 25 repetitions, just do as many as you can up to 25. You should do the towel hanging exercises for a few weeks.

Another one of the premature ejaculation exercises you can do is the kegel exercise. To do this technique, you're going to have to find the right muscle to use. It's the same muscle you use to stop the flowing of your urine.

To get a better understanding of what I mean, the next time you're urinating, stop the flow of it. The 'flex' or muscle that you feel is what you're going to need to do this exercise. It's called the PC flex. To do this premature ejaculation exercise, you should flex the PC 20-30 times a day.

Try to work your way up to doing it 300 times a day. You don't have to do the entire 300 at one time, though. You can break it up into a few sessions.

These are some premature ejaculation exercises you can use to last longer in bed. If you really want to stop premature ejaculation now, be sure to use the tips above.