Increase Sperm Count - a Step by Step Guide

Step 1- Give up smoking, drinking alcohol, taking recreational drugs and eating junk food.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, taking recreational drugs and eating junk food fills your body with toxins and bad chemicals, which create a bad environment for your sperm to survive and be healthy. If any of the above are part of your life you need to stop immediately and work to reverse the damage already caused.

Step 2- Detox your body

Once you have stopped the intake of bad toxins, you will need to clear out the toxins still present in your body. This can be done by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking lots of pure mineral water and avoiding any of the  foods and substances talked about  in step one.

Step 3- Look for ways to keep your body and testicle temperature down.

While you are cleaning out your body, you may be interested to know that extreme heat causes a reduction in sperm count and impairs the sperms ability to move quickly. Take a look at your current situation and lifestyle and look for ways that you can keep your  testicles and body temperature down. Avoiding hot baths, hot tubs and saunas is a good start, and if you can handle it replace them with cold showers and ice baths. Replace any bad fitting underwear with loose cotton boxer shorts, sleep naked and keep your bedroom cool with a fan. .

Step 4- Change your diet

Now your body is at a lower temperature you need to change your diet to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, and pure mineral water.

Step 5- Refrain from ejaculating too often

If you are having sex or masturbating too often, or not enough, you need to start having sex every 3 days. This is the ideal amount of time to leave it before ejaculating . This will ensure a bigger sperm count and an increase in semen volume and will also increase the speed of semen at the point of ejaculation. which is another essential factor in a fertile male.

Step 6- Start a exercise Program

Moderate exercise is essential in getting the blood flowing around your body. This will increase your sperm count and your semen volume. You should only exercise lightly if you do not normally exercise as too much exercise will cause your body to burn out and it will not have the desired effect. Start off with an evening walk and move on from there. Another good idea is to get a personal trainer.

Step 7- Create a diet and lifestyle plan

Now is the time to create a diet and lifestyle plan but. don't worry because we have done the hard work for you. Visit our website below for your free 7 days to success course. It is a revolutionary course which combines special exercises, diet and lifestyle advice and special supplements to raise your fertility levels.