make money for free- a quick and easy step by step free guide

we all heard about making money online and we all know that were not talking pennies here i mean i know some1 who's making over 20000$ every single month and he will still be making that money for the next couple of months no matter what he does.. sound good don't it..

so i went over and asked him nicely to show me what he does it...
its called the power bar check it out here:

it was soooo simple i didn't believe it i mean it was a one time setup that took like 7 min and then i have to add a few friend i added 6 to be exact and I'm not sure how but my 6 friends added like i Guss around 8 each b-cuz an so on and so on for 7 levels now just so you guys understand i got in to this like 2 weeks ago and i gave allot of work if you can call posting links in facebook and twitter work but anyway that's what i did and i got only 6 out of my 724 friends i have on facebook
and my 1004 followers on twitter o and my brother which i convinced face too face to joining and help out and now i in this 2 weeks time i made 1500$ and id didn't cost me a dime to get started.
think you can handle that/??? i mean i gave it 2 weeks work and now at the end of this month i will be making almost 3000$ with no investment!!! its just crazy and people are coming in all the time.. but the best part is that were all one team
when i say one team i mean that i want my brother to get as much friends under him as possible b-cuz i get paid for everyone under my brother.. i get paid for anyone under any of my friends in fact and i get paid for anyone that my friends get and so on for 7 levels of friends now lets say that i get only 5 people (there is no limit to the people you can bring..) and those 5 people bring 5 more people and each of the 25 people on my second level bring only 5 then were talking 125 people now if this keeps going till the 7nth level there will be like 78.000 people in the 7nth level bringing you over 40000 $ a month:) sound to good to be true think again
last year alone over 1,000,000,000,000(trillion) dollars have been spent on advertising what where doing is building a network for advertisers and
we all split the profits all you need to do is click on 5 ads a day its that simple and you will see how Penny's do add up

so what are you waiting for come and make money with us we are a team of 10 people that are taking this very very series and we wont stop till we hit are goal of 40,000$ each month
what is your goal?

come check this out at this URL:(site)