Top 10 Penis Ejaculation Or Pe Myths Uncovered

Top 10 Pr*mature Ejaculation Myths Uncovered

Are you sick and tired of the pressure that you put on yourself because of your pr*mature ejaculation problem? It may not be as bad as you think. Men try to follow some type of public stigma that we are supposed to be sex machines! You can stop holding your breath as I'm about to blow the lid on the top 10 myths surrounding prmature ejaculation and the sexual society that we find ourselves in today...

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 1: Your penis is your most powerful sex organ

Reality --> Your mind is your most powerful sex organ, and your skin is your largest one!

Yes it's true for both men and women. The mind is your most powerful sex organ. This explains the mystery of all those mornings you woke up after a 'wet dream' wondering "wow, how did that happen?"

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 2: 'Real men' have sex frequently

Reality --> Men have sex less often than they're boasting to their friends.

Sometimes men lie about sex. Often they lie about how frequently they're 'doing it'. I want to stress that you shouldn't compare your sex life and performance to others, when it comes to breaking down this myth it is necessary to look at how often other couples have sex.

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 3: A 'real man' can last all night long

Reality --> Between 2 and 7 minutes is 'average.'

This myth would have a man believing that if he is not capable of maintaining a rock hard erection and performing all night (the equivalent of a sexual miracle), he is an incompetent lover.

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 4: The man is responsible for his partners' orgasm

Reality --> Partners should take responsibility for their own sexual pleasure.

Men who try and live up to this myth are termed 'sexual performers' by therapists. They are more likely to fall victim to impotency, prmature ejaculation, and other sex related problems.

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 5: Men are always ready and willing to perform on command

Reality --> Men vary as greatly in their need for sex as women do?

This myth surrounding male sexual prowess has continued over the centuries, and would have us believing that a man can get an erection - and be ready to perform immediately, at any time, in response to the smallest flirtation or hint of seduction from a woman.

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 6: Men need a fully erect penis to satisfy a woman

Reality --> Only 1 in 5 women will ever reach orgasm through penetrative sex alone - no matter HOW long you can go for or how hard it is!

With the more recent introduction and prevalence of impotence drugs such as Viagr, this is myth looks set to becoming even more ingrained in our culture. This is in spite of research which now tells us only 1 in 5 women are able to orgasm through penetrative intercourse alone.

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 7: A man's erection defines his masculinity

Reality --> It's 'normal' to experience erctile dysfunction?

Statistics tell us that by age 40, around 90% of men will have experienced some form of erctile dysfunction. It is therefore considered 'normal' for a man to experience this from time to time.

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 8: Intercourse is the only way to make love

Reality --> Intercourse is just one way to make love

I have touched on this briefly in some of the other myths, however it does deserve a special mention also because at some level we (men and women) are all programmed to believe that penetrative intercourse is the ultimate outcome of any sexual encounter.

Overcome Prmature Ejaculation Myth 9: Having good sex comes naturally

Reality --> We have to learn and re-learn how to please our partner(s).

The desire for sex is instinctive and a natural response in our bodies. However, what we do about this instinct is learned through society and culture and our attitudes and beliefs about sex.

Overcome Preature Ejaculation Myth 10: Everyone else has a wonderful sex life

Reality --> We all have problems at some stage?

While reported figures will always be subjective, research tells us over 70% of Americans who remain sexually active, have had a problem in his or her sex life or relationship at some point in their lives.

Now you have blown the lid on some commonly held myths that we are led to believe. You can relieve much of the anxiety that you may feel right now and start taking some more confident steps in the right direction.