The Concept That is Taking the Whole World by Storm: Sex Change

Post modern age various revolutionary and novel concepts regarding every possible field of human knowledge are coming in. Today people are not afraid of introducing and practicing such concepts that are jolting and shocking to the radical belief. There are individuals who go for their wishes and whims provided they don’t harm the society as such and don’t bother about what the society, the religions, or the whole world has to say about it. Today law has also become quite liberal in certain respects.

One concept that is a burning topic always and never fails to controversy is the subject of sex change. Sex change is a concept that is not that rampant, even in the western countries, which are otherwise quite liberal in the aspects related to sex. Law today approves sex change. The medical world and the physicians related to the psychiatric field are also for the concept of sex change. The church and the religions are still vehemently discouraging this very novel concept. Nevertheless today there are people who lead a very good life after a successful sex change.

However, as all of you must be aware, sex change is a very complex procedure. It is less practiced complex surgery. Mainly because it is like fondling with the dictums of nature because you are changing the very sex of your patient. Sex of a person is the gift or the will of nature. Uptill now there was no force that could either make life or change the sex of a person. Though the first aspect is still out of reach of the human capacities, in the second one too man has not enjoyed complete success. We will discuss this point later but before that let us concentrate on some other point.

There are many people in the world who do not feel the way they should. In the sense that they do not feel, think, live, or like to be the sex that they are endowed with by birth. Everything about them is very much like the opposite sex. They feel they are having a serious identity crises. They find it impossible to find harmony in their sex and the way they feel. Because of these raging discomforts and the feeling of getting trapped in a different identity these people face a lot of mental agony, trauma, and dilemma. To escape from all these discomforts these people opt for sex change.

Getting a sex change surgery is not the end to all the troubles. Firstly, a sex change is quite costly and cannot be afforded by all. Secondly, the sex change is not complete. The girls can loose their breasts; have facial hair and a masculine voice and the men can have breasts, have a partially feminine voice and get rid of all that masculine hair to some extent; but the parallel ends can’t meet at that. The people who go for sex change are impaired in many other important respects. For example people who have had sex change cannot conceive neither can they fertilize eggs. But the bone of contention here is that sex as most of you must agree is essential to life. Life can become all insipid, dull, and even impossible without sex. But these people who go for a sex change are denied this basic pleasure and need of human beings. The sexual front of these people is very much incomplete.

Hence it can be said that sex change is detrimental to the sex life of a person, in the same way as male impotence or erectile dysfunction is detrimental to a complete sex life. But today there are efficient ED cures available in the market.. Invented and marketed on the lines of its predecessors you can now buy levitra online so that all you ED agonized people can easily buy levitra and wash out all your agonies from your life. Well getting back to the topic of sex change, one should go for it only when one is sure that an unsatisfactory sex life would do for them, otherwise it might be quite an expensive bargain.