Flotrol natural bladder supportis a supplement that will let you control your bladder instead of letting it control you. This product focuses mainly on people with overactive bladders.

This herbal formula will help you strengthen the muscles of your bladder and calming it. It puts together a lipid-free pumpkin seed extract and a soy germ extract. Why soy and pumpkin? It’s very simple: soy is a well-known friend of a healthy bladder and the pumpkin helps heal the urinary tract. This latter is a common used method since the 16th century.

You can find more information of these two ingredients on the Flotrol website.

Both bladder and urinary tract can affect your social, psychological and even emotional. They play a very important role in our life and that’s why we must take good care of them.

Flotrol can help you do that because it can cure mature adults using only natural products like pumpkin seed and soy extracts. Time has proven that these two ingredients are very effective and more than that they are very safe. There are almost no side effects from using it as it is made from 100% natural ingredients.

Here are some commonly asked questions about Flotrol.

How much time does it take for Flotrol to be effective?

The results will be pretty obvious in no more than two weeks. Day after day you’ll feel your body getting healthier.

I already have a prescription for my problem. Can I use Flotrol?

Before making any decision you should ask your doctor for approval. Show him the ingredients and he’ll offer you advice. Everything depends on your current medication but there’s a big chance that he’ll say yes because soy and pumpkin don’t interact with most treatments.

You should ask your doctor for an advice. Clinical studies say that soy and pumpkin don’t cause side effects for most people but you should not take any chances.

Can I take Flotrol for a long period of time?

It’s safe and it won’t cause you any harm. This formula is based only on natural food products and that’s why your body will see it as food. The metabolism will be the same and it won’t affect your liver.

If occasional accidents happen do I have to see a doctor?

It’s recommended that you do it because any small accident can lead to a serious problem. You’ll sleep better at night knowing that there’s nothing wrong with you.

These occasional accidents can be cured with Flotrol?

It is very important for you to know that these dietary supplements don’t cure any condition. They just help your body getting stronger and healthier.

Flotrol has been the subject of any clinical study?

Yes it was. Scientists developed several studies on humans using the ingredients in Flotrol. The result was the same in all cases. This product is natural and it’s safe.

Can you tell me which the most important side effects of Flotrol are?

All studies and all people experiencing Flotrol indicate that this product has no major side effects.