How To Spend More Time In Bed While Having Sex

Finishing the act too soon is one of the most embarrassing conditions that a man can face. A man's self confidence in sex depends on how successful he is satisfying women in bed and if a man ejaculates sooner than he desires he is ought to make his partner highly unsatisfied which may result in problems in a relationship because a good sex life is very important if you want a long lasting relationship with your lover. In this article let us discuss about some of the natural ways through which you can start to last longer in bed and be the man every women desires.

First Thing Is To Relax
The major reason for this problem is usually a tense mind. Men tend to think about a lot of things like will I be able to satisfy her, will she be with me and any other thing which is disturbing the mind tends to tense up the nerves resulting in instant ejaculation. You can learn to relax by meditating or doing some yoga exercises. This will help in calming down your nerves as well as help in better functioning of your nervous system.

Take Help of Natural Herbs
There are certain herbs which help in making you last longer in bed. Some of the well known herbs which have been effectively used in this problem are tribulus terrestris and withania somnifera, the latter is also known as the king of all herbs in ayurveda. These herbs are easily available in pill or capsule form and the best thing about the use of natural herbs is that there is no danger of any adverse side effects.

Masturbation has also been attributed to this problem. During masturbation men tend to ejaculate within a few minutes resulting in the body becoming habitual to that time frame the problem arises when a man actually has sexual intercourse his body is tuned such that it ejaculates in those few minutes itself to which it is accustomed to. So next time you masturbate keep this in mind and try to increase your ejaculate time.