The truth about penis enlargement is that every man on the face of the earth has at minimum a small desire to increase the size of his penis, whether it is to increase the length or increase the width.

This desire no matter how big or small has caused an increase of different penis enlargement methods to surface. These companies prey on your high hopes to have a bigger penis size, and some of their claims are out right cruel.

It’s important that you know the truth about penis enlargement so that you can properly select the best device without the high expectations that these companies are offering to you.

There is absolutely no doubt that you can increase the size of your penis both in the length and the width, but it will not be in a week’s time. All good things come to those that wait, well in this case to those that dedicate every bit of free time that they have to improving the size of his penis.

What the companies forget to tell you about these week results is that what you are actually seeing is the result of swelling in your penis due to use of the device such as the penis enlargement vacuum.

The vacuum is going to offer you temporary increases in width of your penis that generally only last long enough for you to insert. So there is not foreplay when you use this.

Penis enlargement pills will not permanently or temporarily increase the size of your penis, but they will make your penis appear to be larger. That’s it nothing more and nothing less.

Learning as much as you can will help you to select the best method for you, and understanding the truth about penis enlargement will not leave you very disappointed when you do not get the desired results in the amount of time that they claim.