Enhance Libido - 3 Major Problems and Solutions to Enhance Libido Naturally

Here we are going to look at how to enhance libido and the 3 major problems many men face which we will look at, with natural solutions for each. The problems are: Insufficient Nitric Oxide, Stress and fatigue and low testosterone now, enclosed find the solutions.

We are going to assume first, that your lack of libido is not caused by serious physical illness and that you are in general good health. This means a generally good diet and you not over indulging in drugs or drink. If you are get your body on track first!

Let's look at three common problems and solutions:

Lack of Nitric Oxide

If you don't know what nitric is then you should it is absolutely vital in terms of getting an erection and declines naturally with age. This chemical is realized in response to messages from the brain via the nerves and helps relax the blood vessels in the genital area so blood can flow in and create an erection.

If you don't produce enough Nitric oxide you simply won't get an erection and as it declines with age many men find this is a major problem despite being in generally good health.

L'arginine is defined as a non essential amino acid. L'arginine has been shown to relax the muscles surrounding the blood vessels that go to the penis and as a result the blood flow increases allowing an erection to occur. L'arginine production declines naturally with age and taking it as a supplement will top up your levels of this vital chemical. Another 2 great sources are the Chinese herbs - Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium.

Stress and Fatigue

A major cause of impotence low sex drive and erectile dysfunction is simply the pace of modern life. When our bodies are stressed or working hard the bodies energies are devoted taking care of what it considers more important aspects of our health and our sexual health suffers.

Do not underestimate the problems the above can cause. While there maybe problems you cannot solve by supplementation alone, try some natural herbs and a great place to start are with the famous and widely taken body tonics from Chinese medicine - Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba. Not only can they help lift mood, they also act as all round feel good supplements and help promote healthy blood flow. Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali extract and Macca are other great stress busters and energy enhancers.


There is no need to go into how important this is in sex drive so look it up, if you don't know! Here we will just look at a few ways of keeping your testosterone levels topped up.

A good source again is Horny Goat Weed which has been used for centuries to increase sexual potency and Mucuna Pruriens Extract is another good source.

Clinical studies in India on Mucuna have validated it has anabolic and growth hormone stimulant properties. The anabolic effect of the seed increases levels of testosterone in the body. The high levels of l-dopa in the mucuna seed are converted to dopamine which stimulates the release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. L-dopa and dopamine are also effective inhibitors of prolactin. Increased levels of prolactin are considered responsible for up to 80% of the erection failures men have and it's a great supplement.


There is no one miracle herb and normally you need a few and a good basic diet.

Many companies are now producing blended pills made with a variety of herbs to enhance libido so that you can get them all in one pill for convenience.

Before you resort to prescription drugs to combat low libido, try some natural enhancers first and you may find you have a higher sex drive - but you also feel healthier to.

So try some natural herbs to increase libido and you maybe glad you did.