Solving Premature Ejaculation Problems - Tips To Last Longer In Bed

"Is that it?"... the words no man wants to hear after reaching your climax along with the disappointment in her eyes that can give men severe confidence issues not just in the bedroom but in other aspects of life as well. Solving premature ejaculation issues is therefore a top priority for you if you are worried about how long you are lasting in the act of sex.

Here are some tips that can help you establish more control over your ejaculatory reflex to hold off your orgasm until your partner is satisfied.

  • Be aware of the pre-gasm:What is a pregasm you ask? This is the few seconds before you come that your body lets you know you are approaching the point of no return. Learn to notice when your body is telling you this because if you find yourself losing control you need to take action to bring yourself back from the brink.
  • Control your breathing:Controlling your breathing is vital because it controls your heart rate which in turn has a major effect on how long you can last in bed. When you are getting overly excited try to slow your breathing down and breathe OUT heavily and take shallow breaths in ... deep breaths increase your heart rate.
  • Learn to use your PC muscle:The PC muscle is the one that you can use to stop the flow of urine and also can hold off orgasm and ejaculation when you are in pre-gasm mode. Practice doing this while urinating as a start.
  • Practice stopping while masturbating:When masturbating try to bring yourself to near orgasm then stop and relax, clench your PC muscle and control your breathing because practice makes perfect and you need to retrain your muscles and your brain to not go over the edge so quickly.

For more details on solving premature ejaculation problems you need a more detailed explanation of these methods because everyone has different levels of this problem and the more methods you know the quicker you can increase your love making longevity. Click below to find out more.
