How to Produce More Sperm - Combat the Reasons For Low Sperm Count!A staggering number of men around the world are dissatisfied with some aspect of their sexual health. It is understandable that in this day and age, men are under more pressure than ever before, working extended hours, managing their careers and family responsibilities. Some have reported undergoing severe sexual performance anxiety while many others report reduced semen volume production. This is why a multitude of ways on how to produce more sperm and improve the quality of sex life has been introduced.. Let's break down the reasons for these male sexual problems so we can determine suitable methods on how to produce more sperm. First is bad eating habits. Refrain from eating a lot of processed foods, as well as foods high in sugar and spice. Stick on foods which are low in fat, and high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains. A diet high in zinc and folic acid helps encourage new sperm production.. High stress levels can wreak havoc on a man's sperm count, sperm motility and overall sexual health. Since infertility and life in general can be stressful, learn to relax. Stress is sometimes responsible for certain infertility issues such as hormonal problems. If you are really serious about addressing sexual problems due to low sperm count, another approach on how to produce more sperm is recommended. Combat stress by per performing regular but moderate exercises and learning relaxation techniques.. Prolonged heat exposure on testes area greatly results to low sperm production. Another method on how to produce more sperm is by opting to replace tight briefs with more comfortable boxers. Briefs, jockeys and tight jeans restrict the air flow to the testes, causing them to become warmer than necessary and resulting to a low sperm count. The same can be said for hot baths, saunas or anything else that causes unnecessary heat below the belt.. It can be said that reasons for low sperm count may differ among men. The suitable approach on how to produce more sperm to improve fertility or address sexual problems may also vary. Taking daily supplements is an excellent choice to start because they are specially formulated with the right blend of herbs and natural ingredients to quickly stimulate the body into producing more sperm. |