Suffering From Premature Ejaculation? But Who Will Decide How Premature?

Premature ejaculation is one of the major impediments towards enjoying a healthy sex life. This is an issue that can be faced by men at any given age and the worst part is that the problem is also common in the men below the age of 40 unlike erectile dysfunction which is common only after the age of 40. Premature ejaculation need not be defined as the name itself is self suggestive. Premature ejaculation kills the enjoyment factor in sex as the male climaxes much faster and sooner than he would ideally like to. The causes of premature ejaculation are hard to determine as they might differ from person to person. Thus it is also hard to take prevention measures in order to be safe and far from the disease.

Premature ejaculation like erectile dysfunction can be quite wrecking. No human being is platonic. Sex is a basic necessity that has to be fulfilled and fulfilled well. When this basic need cannot be sated problems are sure to creep in. Relationships can come on the line when the sex life suffers due to physical conditions like ED or premature ejaculation or any other problem. The problem of premature ejaculation like ED is a curable one. In some people premature ejaculation can only be occasional and in some persistent. There are other instances where people ejaculate prematurely only once or twice. So that's not a matter of concern. But among all these issues there is another issue that is of prime importance. How to decide, how premature is the concerned person?

For complete sexual satisfaction it is important that both the partners climax together and at the time when they wish to. A male may have a particular time of climaxing. That might be normal enough. But just in case if the woman fails to climax at around the same time, does it mean that the male is suffering from premature ejaculation? This is indeed a very tricky question because it may happen that a woman might fail to climax even after foreplay and intercourse. If this happens once in while it is not a matter of worry. But if the situation continues then it might cultivate complexes in the male and also in the relationship. It is seen that the men are very much touchy about their sexual abilities and the ability to sexually satisfy their sexual partners is a very important issue for them. Under such circumstances premature ejaculation or the seeming premature ejaculation can be very troubling. And the tricky part is that, the problem might lie with the woman and the man might suffer from the nightmares of premature ejaculation baselessly.

However, ED does not have this kind of relative problems. And it is also perfectly treatable with the help of the ED drugs like Bayer Levitra. Since they are available online, an ED patient can easily buy levitra once he gets approval for the same in the form of levitra prescription .