A Tight Foreskin Cure For Adults

There is a few different ways to cure a tight foreskin. Circumcision use to be considered a needed practice when a male was born. It was thought that there was no other way to maintain cleanliness but now that the times are changed it is no long considered a religious act to keep the foreskin attached. Now it is said to be just as clean if you are using good hygiene skills and taught how to do it properly.

When a baby boy comes in to this world and parents decide not to have the foreskin cut off they are taught not to do anything and leave the skin alone till the child is at least 2 years of age and then go from there and show the child how to stretch it just a little bit so that it doesn't become too tight as he gets older.

Why should I stretch it: If the foreskin doesn't get stretched, it can be hard to clean and may have a slight odour. As well having your foreskin forward during sex can lessen your sexual sensations. Some men say that their tight foreskins can give them pain when they are having intercourse without protection.

You can ask for a cream to help stretch the foreskin but the best way to do your stretching is to stretch it yourself. The first way you can try is to pull back the skin, so the opening feels a little tight just for a second and then release and do it again. Do this a few times and again every couple of days. If you sit in a nice warm bath it makes the skin pliable because you are relaxed. If you become sore or get any splits you need to stop and start again a few days later.

The other way is to leave the foreskin forward and grab each side of the skin and pull on each side and pull apart. It may not feel nice but it will work. Follow the first version for stretching by repeating a few times every couple of days. If you do this consistently your foreskin will loosen, the other alternative is to get a circumcision should this not work for you. It is best to ask the doctor what is the best course of action.

You may find that as the skin stretches and you expose more and more of the head that it becomes painful to touch. The more you stretch and use your penis the less it will hurt and the sensitivity will go away. You can also use a little Vaseline when touching the head directly to lessen the pain and get your penis use to the being exposed.