Spider Bites Can Help in Getting Erection!

Sometimes strangest of things decipher from the least expected places, isn't it? Sometimes you meet up people who were least expected in that place. Sometimes you feel a sudden gush of pleasure because you get a compliment where as you actually expected a thrashing. Similarly scientists also end up with results that they didn't expect from a particular experiment or from a particular case.

Many a times it happens that scientists end up with positive and sometimes even negative by products while they are conducting some kind of case study. Deviating from the topic a bit, I want to put a question to all my readers. Are you aware of term called arachnophobia? Well, you must have guessed that it is some kind of a phobia, and as far as the first part of the term is concerned, why to worry when you have Google at your disposal? Never mind, I will save you that much. Arachnophobia denotes the people who are terrified of or to be technical are phobic of spiders. Yes that crawling insect that from time immemorial has been symbolized to denote anything weird, strange, ghostly and fearful also has a department of phobia allotted to it.

I know all my arachnophobics won't be really happy to hear this piece of news, but let me tell you there are around 37000 species of spiders in the world! Among them there are about dozen species of spiders that are venomous and might be harmful and may actually prove to be killing to the human beings. A species named tarantula is actually the representative of al its venomous brothers or for that matter sisters. Spiders are otherwise a common feature in most of the homes. You will rarely find a home that is devoid of a spider net cleaner. That speaks all.

However, recently a very interesting divulgion has been noticed related to spiders, or rather spider bites. There is a particular species of spider in Brazil that is known as the Brazilian wandering spider, its scientific name being phoneutria nigriventer. When this spider bites a person, the latter experiences pain, discomfort and a rise in the blood pressure level, but in case its victim happens to be a male, the patient apart from experiencing the above mentioned symptoms also experiences something that many men crave for. Among all the side effects of the Brazilian wandering spider bite robust erections that might last for as long as an hour is included! And this symptom is something that has been noticed in all the males that were bit by this spider. However, the erection in case of this spider bite is taken as a side effect. But scientists are working towards locating the cause behind such a side effect with the hope of discovering a probable ED cure. Now you see the reason why I started the article in the way I did. Spider bites were probably the least expected domain where one could expect to find clues for probable ED medications. Isn't it? But as they say, truth can be stranger than fiction.

Both natural ED cures and allopathic ED drugs are available in the market. Though the herbal ED cures have takers, the allopathic ED treatments are ruling the market with viagra , cialis and levitra registering the highest sales. These drugs are infact raking in huge benefits for their makers. One can see the change of fortunes of the company Lilly Icos after the launch of their ED drug Cialis. After the introduction of cialis online, it has become easier for people to buy cialis . However, the makers of all the ED drugs put stress on the prescription before consumption. This step also goes a long way to prevent Cialis misuse apart from being the shield against the Cialis effects .