Low Libido - Proven Ways to Naturally Increase Your Libido Now!

Throughout time men have turned to natural supplements to try to enhance their male libido and long before man had access to prescription drugs, man was using natural libido boosters - in ancient china, India and many other cultures. Do they work? The answer is some do and some don't...

What you need are some supplements that have been tested and have medical evidence that they work and that is what this article is all about.

The first thing you need to know is how the male libido works. The male libido does not work seperatley from the rest of your body, there are a whole host of signals that go into your lidido which come from your overall mental and physical condition.

The biggest passion killers are:

A poor diet, depression, stress, tiredness, alcohol, smoking and drugs.

If you suffer or indulge from any of the above then you need to make sure that you improve your diet, exercise ( this is a must as it is a great stress booster and testosterone booster) and also cut down on drugs cigarettes and alcohol or even better - give up!

L-Arginine - What is it?

This is known as natures viagra and with good reason it works!

L-Arginine is a non essential amino acid which is necessary for normal functioning of the pituitary gland.

The production of L-Arginine decreases as we get older and many experts believe this is responsible for many degenerative processes that occur as we age.

Research shows it plays a role in maintaining wellbeing and particularly male sexual health.

What makes it is so important

L-arginine's has a wide- range of general health benefits which are due primarily to its role as a precursor to nitric oxide.

So what does L-arginine do?

It stimulates the release of nitric oxide from the walls of blood vessels, which improves circulation.

It is particularly important amino acid for overall circulatory health. It has been proven to help increase blood flow to the penis and thus helps create an erection. Messages from the brain trigger the realise of Nitric acid, which then causes the smooth muscles of the spongy tissues inside the penis to relax, thus alowing the tissue to fill with blood resulting in an erection.

Its also been scinetifically proven to work

A recent study showed an 80% improvement in the erectile function of men who were given 2, 800 milligrams of L -Argentine a day for two weeks - then tested.

A combination of L-Argentine with other herbs has also impressive results.There are many other natural supplements that can increase male libido, two of these originate from China and have been used for thousands of years to treat low libido and impotence:

Ginseng and Gingko Bilbao.

The Chinese have used Ginseng for nealry 7000 years, as a body tonic to boost energy and libido. It is taken for improving energy, stamina, strength, alertness and concentration. As an adaptogen, it also helps the individual adapt to physical or emotional stress and fatigue. Finally, it has a normalizing effect on hormone imbalances and boosts metabolic rate and improves blood flow to the genitals.

Gingko Bilbao also improves the blood circulation especially to the genitals, and acts as an anti-oxident throughout the body. It helps to prevent lipid per oxidation of cell membranes, which is the process that leads to clogging of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, which need to be clear for blood flow to the penis.

The above two supplements will work very well in reducing stress and improving circulation and combined with L-argentine's ability to ability to ensure nitric oxide is realized will give 3 excellent natural suppplements that if combined together can help increadse libido - There are many more but these 3 are an excellent base if you are in general good health and need a boost to re ignite the flames of passion.