How would you like to know natural ways to make your penis bigger? What do you think would it take to have them enlarged? It only takes an ample amount of time and dedication to have your penis enlarged.
Basically, your penis is made up of the glans (penis head) and the shaft. The shaft is then divided into two chambers. One of which is the Corpora Cavernosa which is the part that gets filled with blood during an erection. This causes the penis to stand erect when excited.
One of the natural ways to make your penis bigger is by exercising this part of the penis. Stretching and pulling your penis breaks down the cells in the Corpora Cavernosa. During cell repair and production, new bigger and stronger cells are formed. This new formation of large cells expands the length of the penis and thickens it as well. Do this in as little as five minutes each day and voila, an additional of two to four inches could be added to your penis.
Milking, Jelqing, and a lot of different stretching exercises are natural ways to make your penis bigger. This exercises and techniques usually involve pulling and stretching the shaft area. Your objective on doing these methods are to produce larger cells in the shaft. You can even innovate and customize your own stretching method. Just be careful not to pull or stretch your shaft too tight to avoid breaking the capillaries. Just a light massage with stretching will do.