Get great six pack abs without doing sit ups

Sit-ups used to be the only way that many people thought you could get toned and defined abs. However that is untrue because there are other more effective exercises that will work the muscle groups and give us better results than just relying on sit-ups. Those looking for /?Tips-on-How-to-Get-Abs&id=2325099" " how to get six pack abs , here are some tips you might find useful.

If you want to learn how to get abs that are flat and sexy, then you might want to consider doing Pilates. This is a form of exercise that focuses on working out the important and core muscles of the specific body parts you want. When doing Pilates, you will start learning how by focusing your movement and breathing you will get the most out of each exercise. Pilates will also help tone your entire body at the same time, even if it is a Pilates program that is designed to work only your abs.

Pilates is not only a great way to learn how to get toned abs, but you will be surprised at how effortless your workouts will be. Do away with sit-ups to reach your goal, by practicing Pilates you won't be repeating the same movement while putting stress on your back. Instead, all of your muscles will be worked in a controlled movements that will give you an overall incredible workout, as well as /?How-to-Get-Great-Abs-Without-Breaking-Your-Back&id=2444158" lowering the risk of injury to your back .

You will also need to learn how to do cardiovascular work to burn calories, since you have to get rid of the layer of fat covering your abdominal before seeing any clear defined abs. You can do both the cardiovascular workout and the pilates on the same day three to five times per week or you can alternate between types of workouts every other day.

Exercise fads come and go so quickly that it is hard to know which ones can work for you and which ones are just money marketing ideas. When you search for "how to get toned abs", you will find all types of crazy techniques and new takes on the same old routines. Ultimately sit-ups are sit-ups, no matter where or how you do them. They work the muscle that is responsible for giving you the six-pack look but you need much more than exercises that show you how to get one muscle toned. For an all around workout that will give you toned abs and a toned body, consider using Pilates.

Whether you believe that sit-ups are the key to great abs or it is just easy to take time to do a series of sit-ups when you have a little time, they won't get you the flat stomach you want. Doing sit-ups on a slant board is more difficult that doing them lying flat but they still don't give you a versatile workout. Placing weight on your abs while you do sit-ups won't make them work any better, either. If you really want to learn how to get toned abs, then look for a program that gives you versatility.