It is no longer needed to be said that erectile dysfunction is one of the most widespread diseases in the world, and affects 98% of the men in the world. The ED drugs that are invented till date have brought in much relief to the ED patients. However, the matter to ponder is that many of the ED affected people do not respond to the famous oral ED pills. All the ED pills invented till the current times have side effects. These side effects make them unfit to be had without the medical prescription. Almost all the allopathic ED cures are prescribed cures.
Apart from the allopathic cures, there are a number of natural and herbal ED cures available in the market. Though at times these cures prove to be effective, many times they fail to yield results. There are various reasons behind people going for the natural ED cures. The cost of the ED pills is one big factor which forces people to take on alternative ED cures. Some others go for these drugs after they have received no results whatsoever from the famous ED drugs. These people are often referred to as the non responsives to the ED drugs. Others go for the herbal cures because of the fact that they can be had without a prescription most of the times.
What does one do when he is getting results neither from the oral pills nor from the herbal cures? Does it mean that he will need to stay with ED all through his life? Today many people from the field of medicine are working in this direction. Their min aim is to churn out one such ED treatment that can be applicable to one and all excluding the price factor of course. Many a times it is seen that ED happens to many people as a cause of some other problem. For example, hypertension, diabetes, urinary track infection, obesity are some of the famous and most prevalent ED causes. If such is the case, it is seen that the moment the cause in eradicated or minimized to some extent, ED also subsides.
Scientists are trying to figure out an ED treatment from the genes. This ED cure is a very novel one and is still in the preliminary experimental stage. The method is now tried on the animals and once it is thought to be fit for the human beings, people can take advantage of this treatment that is tipped to be a very effective ED cure.
Oral ED drugs are currently the most successful ED cures available in market. For example: Levitra pill, but again it might suit some people only. In spite of the fact that ED drug Levitra is marketed as being safe to be administered to the ailed old people, still people can't buy levitra until and unless they proper Levitra dosages approved by a doctor. The Levitra side effects make the drug a prescribed one and hence one cannot order levitra without the prescription.