How To Naturally Enlarge Your Penis At Home- Simple Tips On Enlarging Your Penis Naturally

You need to warm yourself up before you go through with any type of exercise. In order to observe whether or not these exercises to enlarge your penis really work be sure to first accurately measure the entire length of your penis and make a record of it. You can record the girth or diameter of your penis by using a tape measure.

The Corpora Cavernosa, which is the spongy part of the penis that fills with blood to form an erection, is what these exercises are directed at. Whenever your penis is stretched the cells in the corpora cavernosa also become larger than their original size. After this, your penis repairs its self and grows larger stronger cells. These bigger cells which come forth in your penis will make the erectile gland bigger through the fact it holds more blood. The result of this exercise is a longer, firmer, and stronger shaft.

One of these exercises to naturally enlarge your penis at home is the pulling or power stretch method.  Regular stretching of your penis can lead to it becoming larger overall. By extending the ligaments and spongy tissues of the shaft, the pulling method can add to the length of your penis over time.

Another tip on how to naturally enlarge your penis at home is the Jelq method, which is an original of the Arabs.  This is a very ancient way of enlarging your penis. It adds girth as well as length to the penis. For this method, you will milk, or pull the shaft using lubricant, starting at the base and extending upwards with your hand.