7 Exercises to Get Rid of Man Boobs Successfully

Have you been hunting  for exercises to get rid of man boobs? If you are then you're on the right page. There are two types of exercises you need to do in order to help you to remove you man boobs. Exercise routines you need to do to achieve your goal are strength training and cardiovascular training. This article will be focused on the cardiovascular exercises that will help you.

Cardio exercises help us by burning more calories than usual over a set period of time . The best way to do cardio workouts are in the form of interval training. Interval training is focused on a training program that is so intense it sends your metabolism into another gear and burns calories at an higher rate and will do so even after training has finished.

I recommend you do in the region of 30 minutes on your chosen exercise routine .

Below are some recommended exercises to get rid of man boobs.

1. Running - Running is an obvious cardiovascular exercise that is great for any form of weight loss. Although it may be the best exercise don't be disheartened if you can't (or won't ) do running as there are plenty of other effective exercises.

2. Jumping Jacks - This is a real simple yet effective exercise. All you need to do here is put your feet together and put your hands by your side. Now you need to move your feet apart from one another and also move your hands out to the sides at the same time. To complete one jumping jack simply bring your limbs back to the starting position. Do 12 reps per set.

3. Rowing - Great exercise for working the chest areas muscles and also for burning calories.

4. Alternating Sit-Ups - These are great for the torso area but also work the chest area. Get in a position flat on your back and then lift your knees up in the air. Now do a sit up twisting your left elbow towards your right knee, for the next rep change to aiming your right elbow at your left knee and continue in this alternating pattern. Again 12 reps is a set.

5. Stationary Seat - This may sound easy but it isn't but it is a good one to do. Look for a wall that is flat and clear and rest your back against it. Next lower yourself into a position that would be as if you where sat in a chair and hold the position for 30 seconds.

6. Elliptical Machine - This machine is without question a fantastic calorie burner and is easy on your joints. The machine also works both your legs and arms unlike similar calorie burners such as cycling.

7. Alternating Step-Ups -  First you need to find something sturdy you can use to step up onto. The right height is an object around your mid-shin area. Now step up and then back down again using your right leg as the lead leg then for the next step use you left leg as the lead and so on

Combining a few of these into a routine will give you some very good cardiovascular exercises to get rid of man boobs.