How to Give a Semen Sample

If you have tried for some time unsuccessfully for a child then you may have gone to your doctor who had advised you that you will need submit a semen sample for analysis. Each millilitre of semen contains millions of spermatozoa (sperm), but to ascertain your exact sperm count and sperm motility you will need to have a semen test. Your partner may also be having tests done to determine a possible cause for why there has been no pregnancy yet.

You will be given a small jar and asked to come back to the clinic or hospital with the sample. To give an accurate sample you will need to bear several things in mind which are necessary.

  1. You will need to refrain from sexual intercourse for 3 days prior to supplying the sample.

  2. Before you start to masturbate you will need to make sure that your hands and genitals are washed and rinsed thoroughly.

  3. If your partner is going to assist in producing the sample then she should also wash her hands and rinse them with water thoroughly.

  4. At this stage do not use any deodorants, cosmetics or perfumes as these can interfere with the test results.

  5. The best time to produce the sample will be first thing in the morning.

  6. You must make sure that you hand the sample into the clinic within 2 hours of production.

The analysis will be able to determine the motility and count of your sperm, which will help the doctors to advise on the next course of action. This analysis is very important for men and can quickly give a good indication of your fertility.