Male Enhancement Techniques- Add 4 Inches To Your Penis Size Now

Using the right male enhancement techniques will help you add up to 4 inches to your penis size. Which is great. Especially when you use the best methods and techniques. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some male enhancement techniques.

That way, you'll be able to add up to 4 inches to your penis.

The first male enhancement technique that will help you get a thicker penis is to use the towel hanging method. This method will make your penis bigger and will help you have harder erections. To do this technique, you will need to massage yourself until you're fully erected.

Now, grab a light towel and place it on your penis. After you've done that, tense your penis so that it 'bobs' up and down. Once it raises up and then back down, that's one rep. You will need to do up to 25 reps every other day.

Don't worry if you can't do the full 25. Just do as many as you can up to 25.

Other male enhancement techniques that you can use includes length extender and the jelqing technique. Both of these methods will help you gain length and thickness to your penis. You can do both of these exercises every day for a few weeks.

These are some male enhancement techniques that will help make you bigger. If you really want to enhance your penis size, make sure you use the techniques above. It'll really put a smile on your woman's face. She will love the results you achieve from the exercises above.