Help to Get Over Pot Addiction

Anyone that has experienced the ever deepening pit of addiction to any substance or activity knows how hard it is to quit. Marijuana is no exception despite not being chemically addictive many feel the need for help to get over pot addiction as it still can claim a firm hold over ones life. Excessive use of pot eventually becomes such a habit that people find it easier to waste their life in a cloud of smoke that fogs the mind and drains them of any ambition beyond their next hit and without some measure of help it is easy to slide back into this hole so here are some tips to help you quit!

  • Triggers
    Triggers are something within pot addiction that sets off your need to smoke. This could be as simple as being bored to feeling stressed to social pressures. Everyone has a trigger that sends their hands fumbling for a joint or if they do not have one causes the intense need for pot that we label as addiction. One way to help you quit smoking marijuana is to identify these triggers and find ways to avoid them or eliminate them. Exactly how you do this may be simple or it may be a long personal journey, everyone is different. If you do not identify these triggers the cravings will always be there and your base understanding of your addiction will be unknown.

  • Find A Hobby
    Some might think this sounds cheesy but most pot smokers who want to quit find themselves at a loss when finding something to do with the time in their lives they once allocated to taking the drug. Many fall back into the habit because of this or pick up a new even more destructive habit. Exercise is a wonderful and healthy way to fill up some of this time but what you really need is something that is fulfilling and rewarding, something you enjoy doing that brings you a pleasure that is totally natural not drug induced. Writing, painting, drawing, flower arranging even it does not matter! As long as it occupies you and gives you a challenge and reward without taking money out of your pockets and clouding your mind like pot does!

  • Revel In Success
    You have probably heard so many people harp on about positive thinking like it can create miracles and while this is a little overbearing it has much truth to it. If you focus on the negatives and your failures you tend to invite more failure and become depressed and unenthused, and while everyone has their failures everyone also has success to a degree. So instead of focusing on the bad side just keep thinking of your successes, it doesn't make the failures go away but it can keep you focused on what you can do, once you do that you can do it again and again. Being constantly positive gives you the energy to accomplish things with pessimism saps your energy it is as simple as that.

I you can use this as help to get over pot addiction and leave your stoner days behind you. There is a world out there ready to be tackled head on and don't let anything hold you back!