Does Chocolate Addiction really exist?

Does Chocolate Addiction really exist?

This is a question often asked particularly by the scientific community and also those who are not addicted to chocolate.

Here are some questions which might indicate whether chocolate addiction does exist for you or not.

1. You find yourself craving chocolate during the day, and you feel decidedly upset when you simply cannot get your hands on it.

2. You find that you have chocolate on the brain and simply find it hard to focus on anything else until you get your chocolate.

3. You find that when you eat chocolate you feel momentarily better about yourself and your life.

4. You find that you have an insatiable desire for chocoalte even after you feel you have had enough, you still an hour later, a day later, or a week later want to have it again and again.

5. You find yourself eating chocolate in secret as you are embarassed about your addiction.

6. You find yourself 'using' chocolate in group situations just to celebrate or commiserate any kind of event so that you can have your fix.

7. You feel when you eat chocolate high, happy, elated or even orgasmic.

8. You find that when you do not have chocolate you experience withdrawal symptoms and find yourself desperately looking for your next hit.

9. You find that nothing else in the world gives you the same feeling that you experience when you eat chocolate.

If any of the above apply, it is likely that you have an addiction to chocolate and that indeed chocolate addiction does exist. Whatever others believe you will know whether chocolate addiction exists for you by how you feel about chocolate.