The Effective Drug Addiction Recovery

Drug addiction exists at an alarming rate all over the world. Teenagers are the common victims of drugs. Why teenagers are get addicted to drugs? Where do they get these deadly drugs? There are some reasons for teenagers to get addicted to drugs.

Drug addiction can be from do it for fun, curiosity or because of depression and loneliness. In the past, drug addicts used to depend on heroin, cocaine and the like but nowadays they have shifted over to the painkillers. The painkillers contain a little dosage of opiates. Although government makes drug addiction illegal yet the addicts started taking pain killers which are legal, yet destructive.

The best drug addiction recovery is treatment in the drug rehabilitation centers. Rehabilitation centers offer treatment through counseling, therapy and medication. Counseling being the first step in the treatment process is necessary before therapy and medication process will be taken.

But despite of this, addicts get back to addiction after their treatment from such centers. In this case, drug addiction recovery is really a difficult process. It is not only cure from the rehabilitation center that is necessary but the responsibility also lies on the addicted person himself. So, what is the best way to help addicts recover from drugs? Intervention by the family or a friend is necessary. But this is not an easy process because it requires careful planning in order to be effective.

Let the addicted person know about the effects of drugs to him. Let him understand that the effects are not constructive but rather destructive to human life. In case the intervention of the family or friend seems difficult; the referral shall be made to a professional "referee"-one who is experienced in the field of drug addiction. The services of this person are needed because the addicted person usually denies having any problem at all.

The referee can make the addicts realize that he is taking a lot of willpower and persistence to make the drug addiction recovery successful. It's so complicated living in the state of addiction. There are so many things to worry about. On the part of the drug addicts, there are worries that he might be caught since drug addiction is prohibited by law or he might worry about his health and the potential incarceration.

Drug addiction recovery involves changing of the negative attitudes into positive ones. This can occupy three stages: early recovery stage, middle recovery stage and late stage recovery. The early recovery stage involves altering the mood of the addict; making him aware of addiction and its destructive effects.

This stage may be up to two years. In the middle recovery stage, care and satisfaction are needed. It is the stage that the addicted person is tested for a balanced approach towards life. This may last from six months to five years. The last stage recovery is already deep rooted. There is analysis on the fundamental issues on whether drug addiction affects low self-esteem, broken family and desertion.