Tobacco Chewing: How to Stop Chewing Tobacco With Self Hypnosis

You know that you need to stop chewing tobacco but it seems impossible to stop. You can quit the smokeless tobacco habit with the help of self-hypnosis. Drug addictions help you understand how powerful an addiction really is. Your anti-chew crusade for tobacco chewing help begins with your mind.

Subconscious Addiction

Your subconscious mind is a primary factor in your addictive habit because this is the realm where your automatic responses occur. You don’t always think about your chew habit; you just follow through with the same pattern of behavior that you are used to following. You can retrain yourself to behave differently.

It would be wonderful if it were that simple but there are many obstacles in your way aside from retraining your brain to respond differently in order to change your pattern of habit. You have psychological dependency and a physical addiction to the nicotine.

You also hold a subconscious belief that you “need” the drug. However, this isn’t the case. Your inner belief that this habit is a need is reinforced with the physical discomfort you feel when you quit the chew abruptly. Withdrawals are unpleasant and you have the immediate urge to go back to your habit to gain comfort.

Comfort and Dependency

This problem becomes even more complex because your brain has receptors that are designed specifically to receive nicotine. The nicotine receptors run amuck when they are suddenly denied the substance. Even though this is the case, you can overcome your need for psychological and physical comfort with the use of self-hypnosis.

Stop Chewing Tobacco for Good

You can quit this habit in comfort when you engage your subconscious mind. This works on a physical and psychological level. You can block the withdrawal symptoms with self-hypnosis. The pain blocking strength of this approach is so powerful that women use hypnotic suggestion to overcome labor pains.

You also have the benefit of replacing your core belief that you need nicotine. This notion is replaced with the many benefits of quitting this habit. You no longer believe that you need this substance and you begin to develop new patterns of behaviors.

The secret is to find the right hypnosis recording that allows you to overcome your addiction in the privacy of your home. You can take the necessary steps to recovery at your own pace and at your convenience. Following are some quick ideas to get you started.

The masterful hypnosis recording found here - Stop Chewing Tobacco - is by Steve G Jones M. Ed. This session provides the support you need to overcome this addiction. Another excellent selection is by renowned hypnotherapist, Duncan McColl. This recording found here - Drug Addictions Help - offers help for addictive habits. Other great options are available here - Tobacco Chewing Help . Just click on the links for more information.