Some Popular Cocaine Overdose Symptoms

As we try to tell people on this blog over and over, Cocaine is nothing to fool around with and if you don't take care of your body now, you could experience any of the Cocaine Overdose Symptoms listed below in the near future. If you do cocaine or are thinking about taking this drug, here are some great things you have to look forward to if you're not lucky enough to be part of a Drugs Intervention first.

Increased Heart Rate - When you're on cocaine your heart beats much faster than normal. In fact, if you have a weak heart and aren't in the best of shape, this can give you a heart attack or stroke on the spot.

Increased Blood Pressure - Look forward to visiting the doctor and spend $200 to $800 per month for High Blood Pressure Pills.

Nausea - You're not just disoriented, you're completely out of touch with reality because you're so sick. There's a very fine line between a good high and getting almost deathly ill.

Vomiting - If you've been on cocaine a while, even a couple months, try not getting a fix and see what happens. Your body needs it so bad, and when you don't get it you'll be sicker than you've been in your life.

Muscle cramps - Not to mention Diarrhea. You will feel a nasty pull on your ab muscles, and wonder why you can't control it.

Faintness - You can easily pass out on a whim. People have done it and flat-lined and not come back.

Panic attacks - The most incidental things will really tick you off. You might want to fight someone just for giggling a little bit, even though they weren't giggling at you, maybe with another friend. Or you might feel like pulling a gun out on a bad driver. People end up in jail over this type of thing all the time.

Muscle breakdown - You will lose a lot of your natural strength you need to function properly on a daily basis. This will leave you feeling powerless, victimized and ultimately paranoid. You'll probably think everyone and their brother is out to get you.

Seizures - If you start going into convulsions out of no where, we warned you first.

These are the major Cocaine Overdose Symptoms. Take them lightly and don't get treatment for your Cocaine Addiction soon, and you can be in for a world of hurt.