Stay Away From Alcohol Abuse And Get Healthy

People with drinking problem take the substance to get a comfortable feeling. Alcohol might help them deal with issues of trauma, stress, or physical pain. By drinking alcohol they might be getting temporary relief of the loneliness they feel, depression, or stress in their life.

Commonly people have know that alcohol can cause serious problem and even dangerous or life-threatening. There are some term that linked to alcohol abuse such as binge drinking, and alcoholism. Binge drinking means having five or more drinks in one session for men and four or more for women. It also means simply drinking to get drunk. Commonly, It is the drinking problem for young people, under age 21.

In fact, people who abuse alcohol have fewer consequences than the others that have alcohol dependence . It means drink too much and suffer social and health consequences, but never completely lose your control over the drinking like in alcohol addiction.

But it isn't a safe way to use alcohol, although it isn't as serious as alcoholism. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence says 18 million Americans have this problem. Drinking and driving cause almost 50% of all traffic fatal accidents in the United States.

Be careful binge drinking can lead you to alcoholic. If alcohol begins to cause problems like missing time at school or work, neglecting child or household responsibilities or trouble with the law and the drinking continues anyway we called it alcohol abuse. Mostly binge drinking turns into alcohol abuse when the binge drinkers get pressure or stress in their life. Infrequent drink with friends can turn into more serious drinking problem so quickly if we can't manage ourselves.

The infection of Hepatitis C can be worse if the patients drink alcohol. Actually the relationship between of an infected person and drinking for developing alcoholic hepatitis is not necessarily linear. In some cases, hepatitis becomes chronic and may lead to cirrhosis (scarring process on liver), which is generally associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

Serious health conditions such as loss of muscle tissue, loss of memory, and loss of testosterone can cause by chronic drinking problem. In fact it also affects every cell within your body, and if this condition stays chronic, it will start to kill cells, and once a cell is dead, it stays dead. It is a toxin that will come in your bloodstream and run into every organ and cell in your body.

Chronic abuse bothers the absorption of important vitamins and mineral. Dehydration also can cause by alcohol abuse. People that abuse alcohol will have the narrow limits of each ion in our body, such as calcium, sodium, and potassium. Lack in concentration of these ions can produce the excess thirst which may lead to muscle cramps and sudden dizziness or fainting spells.

Watch out, this addiction can cause some severe health problems such as cancer, pancreatitis, high blood pressure, miscarriage, heart failure or stroke, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and even death. People must care about their own alcohol problem, rather than excuse the behaviour.