Break Porn Addiction in 3 Steps

You can break porn addiction just as people can break gambling addictions, alcohol addictions or any other behavioral or substance problems. There is a common link between all addiction that stem from a root problem that drives people back into the arms of whatever makes them feel better, in this case porn.

While there is no one solution to a porn addiction as the prime cause of the problem is different from person to person there is a structure you can use to break down one overwhelming problem and solve it piece by piece.

Step 1: Understand
Before you take any action or do anything and understanding of your problem must be gained. Take the problem at hand and find the root cause or causes of such a problem. In the case of porn addiction the most common starting point is low self esteem but there are many other reasons such as an unfulfilling sex life or a warped view of women and sex that can also be blamed and many more. You must come to an honest understanding of why you started and why you keep going back again and again even through you know it is damaging to your life. Once you find these problems go to step two.

Step 2: Break Down
While you need to find a solution to this problem sometimes a single big issue such as low self esteem is too big to simply take action against so you must break the problem down into smaller problems that are more manageable. This is like repeating step one for this sub-issue. You can continue to break down and analyze until you feel you have enough small issues that maybe general concepts or perceptions to perhaps examples of events that have happened that have influenced the way you think. Once you have what you see as a whole pile of smaller problems that individually seem possible to solve go to step 3.

Step 3: Action!
Some people over think these things and never take action against them because it all seems to hard or they become addicted to analyzing feeling like the more they think about it the closer they come to solving it but never move against a problem and solve it! If you reach into your bag of mini problems you now have something simple that you can do something about. What it is could be so many things I cannot list but you must now take action against that one thing ... reconcile it with yourself or find a way to remove it from your mind as a problem. Continue to do this until all your problems are gone or at least enough you feel capable of looking at your addiction as one issue again with enough motivation to solve it!

This may seem very abstract but I would be lying if I could offer a simple solution like just deleting your porn files. To break porn addiction you must take a bottom up approach instead of a top down one as you must kill the roots to topple the tree, just trimming the branches does not really get rid of it.