Alcohol against Pancreas

Help – I’ve had an attack of acute pancreatitis

“Alcohol” and “Pancreas”.  These two words are not usually associated with one another.  But too often these words become painfully and permanently connected after a person has experienced a piercing case of acute pancreatitis.

Perhaps you or a loved one was recently admitted to the hospital with the symptoms of acute pancreatitis: nausea, pain, fever, bloating, etc. Then you probably have many questions about pancreatitis.  For example, what caused the acute pancreatitis?  Acute pancreatitis has many causes, and one of them is excessive alcohol consumption.  A common second question: what happens after the patient is released from the hospital?  If people continue to drink alcohol after their first attack of pancreatitis they are much more likely to develop chronic pancreatitis.

A person living with chronic pancreatitis experiences an array of digestive complications, such as ongoing indigestion and severe pain. Moreover, chronic pancreatitis ultimately increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Can I still drink alcohol?

In a word: NO.  You are wrong if you think you can continue to drink alcohol because you’ve only had ONE attack of acute pancreatitis.  And it’s also a bad idea to continue drinking because you think that modern medicine will cure your acute or chronic pancreatitis.  There is currently no treatment in Western medicine which is able to stop or reverse the root causes of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis: the death of pancreatic cells and the slowed production of digestive enzymes.  Simply treating alcoholic pancreatitis is complicated, involves numerous steps, and requires a variety of professionals (read about treatments below).

Research shows that a general increase in alcohol consumption may be the cause of more and more patients suffering from acute pancreatitis.  Consistently over-consuming alcohol for 5-10 years usually precedes the first attack of acute alcoholic pancreatitis.  Acute pancreatitis currently strikes 80,000 to 200,000 in the U.S. each year, but the numbers are increasing every year.  Although not all alcoholics develop pancreatitis, after a pancreatic attack it is very important to stop drinking as alcohol becomes even more toxic for the pancreas.

It has been proven again and again that it is not safe for a patient to drinkANYamount of alcohol after an attack of acute pancreatitis.  Scientific research has shown that after an attack of acute pancreatitis the lifespan of the patient eventually becomes dependent upon their ability to stop drinking alcohol.  Patients that continue drinking alcohol will almost certainly develop chronic pancreatitis due to the progressive destruction of their pancreas.

How do I stop drinking?

Hopefully this article has already informed you of the dangers of continuing to drink alcohol after an attack of acute pancreatitis.  In a nutshell, it is VERY important for patients to stop drinking alcohol once and for all.  But how?  Some people can give up drinking alcohol with no problem whatsoever.  However, it is incredibly hard for many people to stop drinking completely.  As a matter of fact, many experts feel it is next to impossible to completely overcome alcohol addiction without the assistance of an experienced licensed practitioner – or even a team of licensed specialists.

Another hurdle facing patients and their families is the inability of the sick person to admit that they have an alcohol problem.  Sometimes it helps to assess honestly the alcohol consumption in your life.  Try taking the test below, and see if you might have a problem with alcohol.

Personal Alcohol Assessment Test

Answer the questions below to see if you have alcohol issues.  Answer honestly, because nobody will see the answers but you:

?Do you ever feel like you drink too much?

?Do others disapprove of the amount of alcohol that you drink?

?Do you find it hard to stop drinking after a drink or two?

?Do you ever feel guilty or secretive about drinking?

?Do you have to have a drink right after you wake up as a remedy for hangover or to calm your jitters?

?Have you ever blacked out while you were out drinking?

?Has drinking caused you problems with your relationships, health, or job? Has it ever caused you problems with the law?

Test results reveal that one “yes” answer could mean a problem with alcohol.  Two “yes” answers show a high probability of alcohol addiction.  In either case, you should make an appointment as soon as possible to discuss the test results with an experienced and licensed practitioner.  They will be able to help you map out a custom treatment plan.

What does treatment involve?

The mind and the body need to be treated at the same time for an alcohol cessation treatment to be successful.  In addition, if the patient has just had an attack of acute pancreatitis, the health of the pancreas must be taken into account when planning the treatment. It is mean that stop drinking treatment has to be safe for sick and malfunctioning pancreas.

Basic detoxificationof the body is where most practitioners begin when they start the treatment of alcoholism.  Basic detoxification generally consists of colon hydrotherapy, a special diet, the restoration of friendly intestinal flora (if antibiotics have been used to decrease inflammation), nutritional supplements and herbal teas, and drinking the healing mineral water made from the Genuine Karlovy Vary Thermal Spring Salt at home.

Nearly every type of cell in the human body, including those of the central nervous system, is affected by the long-term use of alcohol.  The brain literally becomes dependent on alcohol.  So after basic detoxification the practitioner moves on to thenormalization of brain chemistry.  Alcohol dependency is broken by healing and normalizing the brain using an anti-alcohol diet, the addition of essential amino acids, herbs and nutritional supplements, magnet therapy, common acupuncture and auricular acupuncture-NADA protocol.

Hypnotherapy withsubconscious positive programmingis used successfully by many practitioners.  By our experience, many patients report having had good result with using custom hypnosis CDs.  These custom CDs  are made for each individual client, and can be used as long as necessary in the privacy of their own homes.

The combination of alcohol and pancreatitis ravages the body by causing severe acidity and a deficiency of vital minerals and trace elements.Acid-alkaline balance normalizationcan help the patient by aiding the body’s recovery from addiction to alcohol and minimizing the symptoms of pancreatitis.  Balance normalization is achieved through nutritional supplementation, careful diet, and European healing mineral water made from the Genuine Karlovy Vary Thermal Spring Salt at home.

Regardless of the therapies used to stop alcohol addiction, it will take time for the body to repair itself after years of alcohol abuse.  Ultimately the symptoms of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis will decrease, and symptoms such as indigestion, pain, gas, bloating, mood swings, depression, insomnia, sexual dysfunctions and a variety of gastrointestinal complaints will become less and less frequent.

To stop drinking alcohol may seem impossible right now, but it is possible with the help of experienced professionals.  The most important thing to remember is that you can recover from addiction.

Moreover, breaking your addiction will not only benefit your health right now, but it can also literally add years to your life.

The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional.