Why do Women Suffer From Anorexia?

Eating disorder treatment facilities in several parts of the country as well as in other areas of the world have concluded that both Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia are harmful eating disorders that are steadily destroying the health of today's future and making them prone to many diseases as they mature.  More than 94 percent of people who are anorexic are women because most of them are given into believe that their body-type is not beautiful. No matter how thin a girl is, she always tends to believe that she is a bit overweight; this is more a norm than an exception according to information put by various studies that have looked into the eating habits and ‘ideal body' perceptions of both women and men.

Anorexia is a psychological disorder than is seen in teens and people in their 20s.  By the time women get married, due to pregnancy and physical changes in the body, they tend to put weight. It is a good thing if people want to become slim and shapely; it makes a person fit and sexy at the same time. But the trouble happens when she is obsessed with the idea of becoming so thin that she begins to avoid food and eats a bare minimum just to survive. Anorexia nervosa is seen more in people who have high purchasing power and belong to developed countries. The reason is that in countries like the US, there are many options not just in terms of food but various diet programs. There are people who actually skip from one diet program to the other; so you may have a person just going on ‘only lemon diet' to ‘apple-cider' diet. Due to such habits, people tend to neglect other vital nutrients that are important.

There are many harmful and at times, irreversible side effects of excessive dieting: one tends to become dehydrated, lethargic, experience lack of strength, suffer from weakened bones and premature skin. The key lies in not leaving out food but in sensible eating. Eating disorders treatment centers will teach you about eating the right things at the right time. They will never tell you to leave out food items just because they will help you reduce weight. There are so many people who eat properly and wholly yet, have good metabolism and an enviable body.

Anorexia treatment centers also consider that high Body Mass Index and a good self-esteem can work better against anorexia. There are so many women who eat well, are naturally curvy, at peace with themselves and desired by the opposite sex. In terms of sex appeal too, someone with a body type of voluptuous Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Biel is considered hotter than a Gwyneth Paltrow. Subjectively, it has been proved that maximum male eyeballs are towards a woman with curves and someone who looks well-fed, rather than malnourished.   Considering different facets like longevity, beauty, health and sex appeal; it is for the good interest of a girl to eat properly, exercise, have fun with life and definitely not skip food.