How to Identify Severe Signs of Alcoholism

When you start looking at yourself in the mirror for any signs of alcoholism, this in itself is one of the major signs. Guilt or getting offended when someone casually asks about your drinking habits, you know by then that you are consuming a little too much of alcohol. Alcohol addiction is dependency on alcohol for physical and mental functioning of the body; this does not mean that after consuming alcohol the addict performs all his functions properly. The fact of the matter is if he does not drink he suffers from withdrawal symptoms, which are as bad if not worse than the signs and symptoms of alcoholism.

Signs of alcoholism are extremely peculiar, when the addict starts drinking alone or in secret places this is the first sign of alcoholism. To a normal individual the very thought of drinking in isolation is ridiculous, but to the addict it seems perfect. Secondly these habitual drinkers have preset timings when they drink, if this has to be changed due to any reason then the response is very aggressive. Most of them will have some place like the club where they shall gather after work time to have that drink or two. These places are full of like minded people who have gathered for the same reason, yes downing a peg and they are actually rather proud of the fact that they indulge in such abusive activities.

The next sign is graver as all social and recreational activities are centred on drinking; this is one of the gravest signs of alcoholism. Imagine a husband who does not like attending any social do which doesn't have the drinks doing the rounds. This becomes a major ground for marital disharmony, since the other partner is a healthy normal individual who likes to have a normal social life. This happens because the person has lost all interest in activities which used to bring pleasure to him, like hobbies, entertainment or even a simple evening out with friends.

Then come the signs of alcoholism affecting the nature of an individual, the loving sensitive human becomes an aggressive and reckless person. This aggression is seen in the form of extreme anger at small things at home or at the work place, labeling the addict as an insensitive person. But again we must understand the reason behind the aggression, it's the poison in the bottle, so learning to say no to this poison will save many lives.

The addict starts keeping alcohol at some of the most unlikely places like home or office, he drinks to feel normal. This is the stage where no alcohol in the body will bring about withdrawal symptoms, to keep those at bay the abuse continues.

The heart is not spared and alcoholics have enlarged hearts with weak cardiac muscles and raised blood pressure. The lipid levels are also raised in these individuals, thus acting like a trigger for the heart disease. All this pressure on the heart can cause anything thing from angina to cardiac failure. As we can see the effects of alcoholism are many but the best part is, if detected on time the cure is simple and that is abstinence.