Why cant you use each healthy food to avoid food allergy?

No doubt you are familiar with the saying ‘you are what you eat'; well this has never been more true than for allergy sufferers . If you are sensitive to a number of different foods, it's vitally important that you watch what you eat. Why make your life a misery? Simply change your diet and enjoy a happy, healthy life!

Watching what you eat could in fact be the key to treating your allergies and by including the following in your diet, you can actually boost your immune system and combat those toxins:

+Eat a selection of foods which are high in essential fatty acids. These include fish, raw nuts and good oils.
+All of these are also, incidentally, rich in omega 3 oils which prevent inflammation and thus decreasing the severity of the allergic reaction.
+Antioxidant foods such as fruit and vegetables. The best way to cook vegetables is actually not to! Raw veg is by far the best alternative; however steaming is also a good way to keep most of the nutrients inside. Stir-frying is also a good way. As long as you don't overcook them, you'll be fine.
+Probiotic and prebiotic foods are a must for every diet.
+Lots of pure water is another must as this will flush out all toxins.

It is also advisable to:
+Avoid foods which you suspect may affect you and your immune system
+Try to reduce your daily intake of dairy, wheat, and eggs as these are known to be highly allergenic foods
+Cut out sugary and fatty foods.

A well balanced diet is essential and therefore you need to make sure you are balancing the right foods and not the wrong ones. What you eat will directly affect how you feel which is why it is so important to listen to what your body is telling you.