How to Overcome Pornorgaphy and Sex Addiction

Addiction to pornography, as a by-product result of an overall sexual addiction is very common. Porn addiction can lead to compulsive, abnormal behavior that adversely affects both personal and business relationships. Many people seeking help from porn addiction often turn to sexual addiction programs such as LifeSTAR. Located in southern California, this positive pornography therapy group has a network of sexual addiction programs located in San Diego, Orange County, the Inland Empire, and the greater Los Angeles area.

Many sex addict treatment groups similar to the LifeSTAR Network focus on identifying the source of the porn addicts problem and creating ways to counter the harmful effects of this detrimental obsession. Porn addiction therapy and group counseling are specific tools used to separate the sexual addict from their obsessive fixation on illicit sexual gratification. The inclusion of sex addicts in a support group setting, similar to the type of twelve-step programs usually associated with drug and alcohol addiction, affords them an opportunity to share their experiences and overcome their harmful urges in the presence of fellow sufferers.

Successful sex addiction treatment seeks to turn people away from the negative acts linked to sexual addiction. These acts can include, but are not limited to, flashing one’s genitals in a public place, compulsive reliance on pornographic images for sexual release, entering the world of prostitution, or engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners leading to the contraction of one or more sexually transmitted diseases.

Sex addiction therapy can help to heal severed relationships. Sex addiction treatment centers in California, for example, have grown in recent years as the general public has been made more aware of this growing problem. Institutes in the vein of LifeSTAR have aided many sexual addicts over the years in successfully overcoming their personal guilt and shame resulting from their behavior while in the throes of their pornographic addictions. While treatment can, in many cases, just include various types of therapy, there are some instances when the sexual obsessions have led to obsessive-compulsive behavior and medication is required to treat the resulting disorder.