Helpful Information on Several Types of Eating Disorders

Eating disorder rehabilitation programs are springing in abundance in US for a reason: the country has highest number of people suffering from psychological orders tied to eating It is such an irony that there are countries in the world where people do not even have two square meals to eat and we instead of appreciating that we are lucky; make a fuss about eating and create a lot of unwanted perceptions that are related to skipping food.

Close to 7-10 percent people in the US alone are suffering from eating disorders like bulimia, binge eating and anemia. All of these are ‘psychological diseases' that are prevalent in developed nations because people tend to have a lot of choices about eating or not eating; and this makes them attach emotions closely to their food choices.  Binge eating for instance, is a common eating disorder that affects 2 percent men and 3.7 percent women in the country.  Due to some problem that a person may suffer from, he or she eats food in quantities more than required, resulting in obesity, high blood pressure, and mood swings etc.

Bulimia is a common eating order, which is an extension of binge eating. In this case, after overeating, there is a guilt feeling that seeps in the mind of the person who thinks that she has overeaten.  Then she begins to purge what she had eaten by vomiting, using laxatives, over-exercising and going without food for days.  Binge eaters may look obese but bulimics can be overweight or underweight.

Eating disorder recovery centers classify bulimia into two types: purging and non-purging. In the purging type of bulimia, the person may take laxatives, use enema and vomit food  People who non-purge tends to fast and exercise till they drop.  Bulimia can cause many health problems including dehydration, low blood pressure, gastroparesis, constipation, ulcers, throat lacerations due to putting fingers and things in the mouth to cause vomiting, dental problems, infertility etc.

Anorexia is another eating disorder in which a person fears that she will gain weight if she eats an extra morsel of a particular food.  She dwells in a perception of a certain body type and suffers from compulsive fear that eating even a bit  more can make her fat.  So evidently, she leaves out various foods that contain healthy doses of vitamins and minerals that are important for various life processes. An anorexic can be so thin that a person can look like a pale shadow of herself.  Some of the symptoms that are visible in people suffering from anorexia include electrolyte imbalance, missing periods, edema, diarrhea, constipation, brain atrophy, weakening dental strength and low libido.

Eating disorder treatment facilities have been able to make sure that people who are suffering from this problem are treated completely. If it were not for these rehabs, it would have been difficult to control the habits of these people who are married to the ridiculous mentality of overeating, binging and shunning food altogether.   So in case, there is any problem of eating disorder in your family, make sure that she or he is properly treated in such a center, where not only good treatment is given but many skewed perceptions are done away with.