Addiction - The Journey

'The Bible has a different view of how we first get involved in addictions. Instead of explaining the overpowering urge for [something] as a disease, the Bible talks about our motivations and desires, forces so powerful that they can take over our lives. The Bible says that we first choose our addictions, and only then do our addictions choose us.'Edward T. Welch, Blame in on the Brain?

Addiction is what happens when you go from first experiencing something, to liking it, to wanting it, to being unable to get through the day without it.  I know because I have been there more than once.


Addiction happens when you want to re-make your life, re-shape your experience or, in many cases just escape from who or where you are.  There are often good reasons why an addiction happens.  Addictions are used to deaden, soothe, pamper, prop up, anaesthetise or comfort the addict.  The addiction takes the place of what has become overwhelming or overwhelmingly lacking in that person's life.  Ittakes the place of- in other words it is a fake.  An addiction is a fake experience.  It cannot produce long term benefits.  It cannot solve problems, it just makes them recede and then they come back, bigger than ever.

So what does addiction hide?  At the raw root it hides a need to resolve long term problems.  A need to change an unhealthy way of living or thinking.  A need to be free of harmful people, memories or situations.  A need to be simply and properly loved.

Some addicts would rather die than give up their addictions.  Some addicts will not be helped, whatever the cost.  But there are plenty of people who have found the strength to walk away.  Plenty who have chosen to leave the shadows behind.  When it comes down to it, the choice is crystal clear.  Believe the lie that you are better off in your addiction or that, painful as it may be, you will be better off free.

This is what Jesus says; 'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.'John 10 v10, NIV

If you are struggling with anything that you cannot but want to overcome.  If you are living a lie or are imprisoned in your past or to behaviour that you want to be rid of you, take is from someone who has been there, it is so much better to work through the pain and walk to your freedom.  At one point in my life, all I had was this simple prayer ' Dear God, please come and get me.' Within two weeks, He did and I have been able to walk with Him through thick and thin ever since. Recovery takes time, why not start today?

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about today's article.