Different Stages of Alcoholism

One always starts drinking with the notion that the habit of drinking will never get out of control but it increases and makes you physically dependent on alcohol. Take a quick look at the various stages one undergoes to finally reaching at the point where drug rehab centers will not be of any help.

1.Early Stage: This stage is also known as adaptive stage of alcoholism wherein; the drinker starts adapting alcohol as a part of the routine. In this stage, the drinker is unaware about its adaptability for alcohol. The urge to drink gets stronger after certain period of time. The body gets habitual in consuming the amount of alcohol and the cravings gets more intense as the time passes by.

2.Middle Stage: This stage comes when you start observing your dependency on the alcohol. This stage is crucial for the addict as they realize the problem but are not able to control it. When the level of alcohol decreases in the blood, the craving to drink more gets intense and the addict drinks only to satisfy his cravings. Even if one tries to stop drinking, they will start facing withdrawal symptoms.

3.End Stage: Entering to this stage means that you are obsessed with the habit of drinking and have damaged many body parts liver, brain etc. You may want to take help from the experts but they will not be able to bring back your health to live a longer life.

Once the alcohol addict finds out that they have increased dependency on alcohol, they must consult an expert for help. A little delay can drag you to the end stage which can lead to various diseases and even death. The choice is of the addict whether to get professional help from the drug rehab centers or to lead himself to dangerous effects of alcoholism.