How to Lose Weight for Good

I remember being 80 pounds overweight when I was 16.  It was like carrying around 10 newborn babies really!  My body was burdened by pounds that tried to protect me from all the hurt I was feeling.  I guess it protected me from people too who I thought were hurting me.  Did it really work?  No.  But I couldn't stop eating back then.  Everything changed when I was 16.  I was at my top weight, but I learned also at the age of 16 I could lose weight.  I'll share my 3 top tips I learned for losing weight.  They might seem so simple (like a "duh" moment) but maybe it's not as difficult to lose weight as you've always believed?  And I will preface this by saying my 3 tips have nothing to do with "diets."

  1. My first tip is to think about and meditate on the idea that the mind is going to play the most important part in your succeeding in losing weight.  Don't think your willpower will do it---it won't.  Your thoughts will speak to you constantly.  What will they say?  Oh, things like "you know you can't lose weight", "doesn't that cake look good, have one piece--just one piece, it's OK" or "you're always going to be fat, just face it."  I'm sure you all know what I mean?  Haven't you experienced thoughts like this constantly when you've tried to lose weight?  The mind is very powerful.  Realizing it is half the battle.  When those thoughts come gently deny them and just move on.  They'll dissipate in time with your determination.

  2. Take time for yourself to think about why you want to lose weight.  I would set aside at least 15 minutes each day to just be alone and quiet your mind and ask yourself---why do I want to lose weight?  For me the answer was to feel confident with people (mind you, I was 16 then) and to not feel all of the extra pounds which were tough even on me as a young woman.  Then feel how your body will feel as you're living your life, walking around town, being with friends.  Feel what you WANT to feel like.  See yourself as being thin NOW.  How would you feel?  How would you act around people? How will you feel as you walk into a room full of strangers when you're thin?

  3. Do it (and you can refer to Tip #1 here)!  Sounds too simple?  No, it's really not.  You know what to do. You know what foods are healthy.  You know you shouldn't go on a quick weight loss diet.  You're the only one who can do this for yourself.  I have said many times over the years (having quit 3 addictions myself) that if I could, I would just into people's bodies and quit the addiction for them because I know so well that it can be done.  I think society and people make such a fuss over losing weight it makes people overwhelmed and they think it's just too difficult.  We read in the magazines how the movie stars lose 10 pounds in 5 days, we constantly see new diet books on the market and we can't help but hear the buzz on all the newest, best diets ever to come along to lose 2 pounds a day!  Don't get "weighed down" by your thoughts.  Now.....get going.....and do it!