How to Control an Internet Pornography Addiction

How to control an internet pornography addiction does not have a simple answer. IT does not have a one shot cure all fix because internet pornography addiction is at its root, a psychological issue and so everyone has a different journey to solve there own issues.

There is one very important step to controlling your browsing habits that can be used by everyone facing this problem. Out of sight out of mind may seem a very simple solution but it can be a help to stop you from stumbling upon pornographic material online or offline. Some quick tips to get a clean slate for browsing:

  • Unsubscribe from all porn sites you have paid for or have passwords for.
  • Get rid of all bookmarks, browsing history, internet cache and so forth.
  • Delete all porn from your computer, extra hard drives, USB sticks ANYTHING!

This will not stop you from going straight to porn sites however. It will however help with fighting cravings and keep your willpower higher. The next element to control an internet pornography addiction is to get an adult content blocker. While these are usually used for children it is a perfect way to simply lock yourself out of porn sites completely.

You can of course bypass this by entering the password and unlocking the program though it is still a mental deterrent. If you have someone who understands that you are break your addiction to pornography and who you trust then you may be able to get them to enter the password completely lock you out with no way around; the cold turkey approach.

So if you or a loved one suffer from these symptoms and causes and need help overcoming pornography addiction before it becomes too out of control click below to find out how you can beat this addiction once and for all or help someone else to do it. Pornography Addiction Treatment