How Do I Stop Watching Porn? 3 Questions You Should Answer to Free Yourself

1 How do I stop watching porn when it is all around me all the time?

You are not alone when it comes to this question. There are an estimated 390 million porn web pages on the internet. Upwards of 90% of those web pages are produced by the United States. 12% of all websites are pornographic in nature. Out of around 340 million people in North America, about 300 million of those use the Internet. You have porn at your fingertips everywhere! Here are some tips in combating this.

- Identify your locations of the most frequent temptation & list real distractions you can use when tempted.
- Learn to stick to a strict schedule for mandatory net use and only browse for fun with others are around.

2 How do I stop watching porn when it is an innate physical drive?

Porn use is directly linked to the need to physically reproduce which is the second strongest physical drive for humans. Are you curious about the number one drive? Oh, that's survival. Yes, apart from your body doing anything imaginable to breath, the second strongest drive is the need to release sexual tension. This release is directly stimulated through porn use & the two must be separated to overcome temptations. You must truly know your sexual release objectives and distinguish those from porn use.

- Know yourself. Sexual tension builds. Schedule extremely low internet use when it's at its peak.

- If your religious values allow you to be with your partner, try to focus on waiting for those moments.

- If this is not an option for you, your ultimate goal will be to satisfy the physical without any visual stimulation either alone or waiting for the natural dream release state. The body has to release in one form or another. This identification and separation makes resisting porn & visuals more manageable.

3 How do I stop watching porn when I've already failed so much?

Few porn addictions are ever fully cured. This does not mean it's not possible. It simply means they are not putting in the full time and dedication needed to overcome this addiction. It takes tremendous work and regular educational resources but if you are serious, there is hope.

-The absolute best thing you can do is get help in one form or another.
-Discussing this addiction with a specialist can work wonders. There are also programs you can utilize and regularly rely on to help free yourself. Specialized programs are the next best thing.