Ending Porn Addiction - 3 Mental Tricks to Help You Get On Track!Passively planning to try harder next time or in the future is absolutely ineffective in ending porn addiction. It takes real, deliberate shift in focus and mental awareness to cure porn addiction. I know the frustrations you must be feeling. Nothing is more discouraging than trying to beat a hard wired habit that you feel emotionally and physically chained to, but there is hope! I bet you are ready for change! In this article I will go over some mental processes you can immediately put into action that will have the greatest effect in ending porn addiction long term. The great mental focus we put into our temptation while we aren't in the heat of that temptation will only give us additional future strength and clarity. Here are some mental tricks. #1 List what you will get out of overcoming this addiction! That's right. Make a list on paper of all the benefits and what it means to you to overcome this. What is your reward? why are you resisting this temptation and what do you get out of it? You see, when we get in the heat of the moment our brain only wants to focus on the pleasure of indulging in this behavior. Pull out the list in these moments to force your brain to focus on the reward of resisting! #2 List all the damages that negatively effect you and how they effect you while in this temptation! Sometimes we are often more driven by the fear than the reward. Use this to your advantage. Review a list of all the damage that indulging in this behavior is causing. Ending porn addiction permanently requires you to know exactly what the damage is doing. If you review this in those heated moments, your brain will cease to be in a passive, submissive mode and will actually serve you. #3 Create a breakthrough script that will program you to Finally overcome! As simple as this sounds, it can be extremely effective. Write a script in the present tense in regards to already ending your porn addiction. Read this daily and any time you are tempted. It might read.. "I am so amazed I found a way to end my porn addiction even after thinking ending porn addiction was unlikely." Reviewing this list will charge your mind and open doors. |