Summer Drinking Problems and Addiction

During the summer it is easy to fall into the trap of having a barbecue followed by beers night after night. The temperature is warm, there is a feeling of leisure and it seems to make sense. However, unknowingly it can become the main one that one deals with stress. When that happens, one becomes accustomed to this as a way to cope with daily issues. Instead of this, it is more important to process the events of each day.

People get into patterns such as prescription drugs, beer or other substances as a way to make things a bit easier and not feel pangs and negative feelings. It is worth it to find ways to handle these daily challenges instead of resorting to a substance or drink. Once it wears off, things return and then one needs another drink, pill or way to escape. This is a viscious circle as things build up and then more gets ignored and the pile of problems grow. As things get worse, it becomes more imperative to drown them out.

Instead of falling into this cycle look at things head on. It isn't as scary as it sounds. Byron Katie talks about questioning your beliefs. When you have negative thoughts like my boss hates me or my wife no longer loves me. Look at them. Try to stay calm, analyze them and not buy into them. When we are agitated we exaggerate things and everything looks worse.

Turning to exercise, music and genuine conversation are important ways to resist the temptation for drinking, pills and forms of escape that are unhealthy.