6 Tips to Get Organized and Deal With Your Garage Clutter!

In looking to find something in the garage, do you need to haul out so much stuff onto the driveway to the point where people start assuming your having a garage sale? Maybe it's not quite to that extent however the idea of actually using your garage to store a vehicle so it's not covered with 6 inches of snow and ice in the winter, or so hot in the summer you need oven mitts to handle your steering wheel, seems like a dream. Your garage has become a dumping ground, filled with the clutter you just don't know what to do with and you want it out of sight and out of the house. There are some tips and tricks that you can develop and stick too and keep this space more organized.

1. Hang up large garden tools so they are visible and items like hose, rakes, etc don't all get tangled together.

2. Group items together with like items, so you know the 'place' where it is kept. A sports gear section, a gardening section, tools in one area, and automotive items in another.

3. As with inside the house, if it's broken and not worth replacing, or you haven't used it in years, why keep it? Recycle items that are good with garage sales or donations. Open cans of stain and paint or brushes and rollers that were not properly cleaned up, these may need to be tossed.

4. Buy storage shelves so things you need are visible and accessible.

5. Buy stackable bins so that things you use infrequently but you want to keep clean and dry and organized are put away and label the outside so you know what the bin contains.

6. Utilize your space complete - with shelves up high and bins designed for stacking you work up rather that spread all across the floor. Hooks on the walls or rafters can hold items like ladders, hoses, garden tools or bicycles. Also building a large loft that you can use at the far end will allow you to tuck the nose o f your car under and maximizing your storage space.

When the weather turns nice, and you go hunting for things you will certainly appreciate the ease of access with a well organized garage. Rid yourself of the chaos and confusion of clutter piled up and make it a space that services your needs regularly.