With lack of proper education and guidance, wives can succeed in pornography addiction recovery

When your husband wants to start the process of breaking porn addiction, he definitely requires the immediate support from you. You will be one of the instruments for a successful pornography addiction recovery. However, looking for support from you can sometimes be more detrimental to your husband’s condition. This is because there are still a lot of women like you who don’t know how to handle porn addiction, most especially if it’s your husband who’s the sufferer. In fact, you tend to commit the following mistakes:

1. You immediately confront him about it. It’s normal for a wife to freak out if she happens to find out that her husband has been watching or reading pornographic materials and fantasizing about other women. She would definitely hurl insults and threaten her partner with divorce. There will also be plenty of accusations. However, you should know that this is not the right way to pornography addiction recovery. Men who want to be breaking porn addiction from their lives would only feel guiltier of what they did and will be forced to lie or hide the problem from you. They believe that no matter what they say, you would never really understand their struggle.

2. You believe that it’s your fault. It will also be a hurdle in breaking porn addiction if you put the blame on yourself. There are several women who would point their fingers at themselves because of their husbands’ acts. When you both want to get on the road of pornography addiction recovery, you need to make sure that there will be no blaming. There are just times when men get caught in the trap of pornography. In fact, such addiction may be brought about by chemical imbalances in the brain. This also means that porn addiction doesn’t really make you less of a woman, wife, mother, or lover.

3. Don’t be the enforcer. Don’t act as if you’re already an expert in pornography addiction recovery. Keep in mind that your ultimate role in the situation is the moral supporter. Allow your husband to make the decision on his own. You may encourage him, though, to seek professional help from counselors or psychiatrists. You may also want him to join support groups who can offer assistance for those who are breaking porn addiction. You need to realize that the process to pornography addiction recovery is going to be long, but you can definitely get there.

4. You assume that porn addiction will go away on its own. By the time you found out about this, it has probably been going on for quite some time.  It will not go away on its own.  Once you see any a sign of porn addiction, find a way that you can encourage your partner to start the process of breaking porn addiction.